• Member Since 22nd May, 2017
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


I love reading, playing video games, movies, I'm a total JT Music fan, and want to share and learn the magic of friendship as those before me.


20th Anniversary · 5:44am June 29th

Hello pony and non-pony fans, I just want you all to know I'm doing ok first off, still working through some personal shit though. But I'm geting there.:twilightsmile:

As for my writing, my projects are NOT DEAD just been busy on a Fanfiction project that has helped a little on my healing and something I've been invested in for months too.

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Report Phoenixcolt45 · 78 views ·
Comments ( 192 )
  • Viewing 188 - 192 of 192

Thanks for adding my story to your favorites.

Thanks for the fave.

Thanks:twilightsmile: Just wanted to keep people updated on my life and why I haven't posted lately.

Yeah, I left you some words of encouragement over there.

Cool :twilightsmile:, check my blog because life hit me hard recently.:ajsleepy:

  • Viewing 188 - 192 of 192
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