Spike and Gabby 171 members · 57 stories

Since the Season 9 episode Dragon Dropped, the chemistry of Spike and Gabby's friendship (or romance, however you want to look at it) has been a subject that remains open for debate, following the show's grand finale.

This group is dedicated for a deeper development in their relationship.

Comments ( 12 )
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Gabby in her wedding gown...a crop of her photo, anyway.derpicdn.net/img/view/2024/1/12/3279357.png

Ah... That is such a beautiful comic. No wonder this is a tearjerker.

It's such a beautiful comic of the two becoming proud parents! It's enough to make a grown man cry. But not this man!


Being his personal maid?

Involving Gabby moving to Canterlot to be with Spike forever.

Do you have any story ideas you'd like to share with the group, per chance?

It's amazing how popular the pairing has been between Spike and Gabby after only one episode. But given the chemistry that they've shared as well as their interaction and similar interests, it's no wonder why people would think they are more than just new besties. True many fans still side with this concept that Spike and Rarity should get together, but considering that it only took till that episode for Rarity to understand how much Spike has done for her and hardly appreciated for having around, it seems at the time before then Rarity always treated Spike as more of a little brother even though he had this seemingly incurable crush on her. Not to say that it still cannot happen, but when we look at how Spike and Gabby are and especially how Spike was so depressed when Gabby thought he stood her up (Mostly because of Rarity) it kind of reminds me of what I've been going through after my break-up... Two of them, actually.

They often ask the question about 'A bird may love a fish, but where would they build a home together?' but in this case it's 'A bird may love a dragon' but I think that's all in details. Regardless if there is any romantic implication or they insist on just being friends, I'm sure there's a ton of good stories worth looking into.

Wonder how will the young couple lives' will be?

I felt the same way about Capper. There wasn’t any big group for him. So I took it upon myself to make it and now it nearly has 100 members. Sometimes you just gotta do things yourself. You want something done right, do it yourself

Yeah, I was kinda waiting for someone to actually start this group, or to accept my story into their group. But when I realized I was waiting too long, I decided to have a go.

I'm surprised this group took so long to be made. I think it has potential.

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