• Member Since 28th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Sep 11th, 2023


"Pulling a Mordecai" (verb) - The act of never making a move, while at the same time, not knowing what to do with your hands.


Superstars passed away · 4:00pm Aug 25th, 2023

WWE Hall of Famer Terry Funk has passed away at the age of 79 known to be one of the most beloved, toughest, and respected legends ever in this business.

Saddened to learn last night that Windham Rotunda, also know as Bray Wyatt passed away at age 36 known for his captivating performances and in-ring presence.

Our condolences goes out to their respective families, friends, and fans.

Report OmniFox · 139 views ·
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I really hope you enjoy my story once you read it

I hope you enjoy this story once you read it

Thanks for the follow and adding Spike's Kingdom into your library.

Thank you for adding my story to your list and I hope you enjoy it very much

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  • Viewing 392 - 396 of 396

I really hope you enjoy my story once you read it

I hope you enjoy this story once you read it

Thanks for the follow and adding Spike's Kingdom into your library.

Thank you for adding my story to your list and I hope you enjoy it very much

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Comments ( 396 )
  • Viewing 392 - 396 of 396

I really hope you enjoy my story once you read it

I hope you enjoy this story once you read it

Thanks for the follow and adding Spike's Kingdom into your library.

Thank you for adding my story to your list and I hope you enjoy it very much

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Superstars passed away · 4:00pm Aug 25th, 2023

WWE Hall of Famer Terry Funk has passed away at the age of 79 known to be one of the most beloved, toughest, and respected legends ever in this business.

Saddened to learn last night that Windham Rotunda, also know as Bray Wyatt passed away at age 36 known for his captivating performances and in-ring presence.

Our condolences goes out to their respective families, friends, and fans.

Report OmniFox · 139 views ·

Superstars passed away · 4:00pm Aug 25th, 2023

WWE Hall of Famer Terry Funk has passed away at the age of 79 known to be one of the most beloved, toughest, and respected legends ever in this business.

Saddened to learn last night that Windham Rotunda, also know as Bray Wyatt passed away at age 36 known for his captivating performances and in-ring presence.

Our condolences goes out to their respective families, friends, and fans.

Report OmniFox · 139 views ·