Something else entirely · 7:20pm Jun 3rd, 2014
It would seem that my current story, Sombra's Return, isn't being so hot in my mind at the moment. Reason is that my creative juice is starting to run dry with what I have. For those who follow it, don't worry: I will still come by to update it. Just... not now.
What is the point of this blog post, you ask then?
Well, easy: I intend to make another Power Pony fic relating to my currently existing one!
Bad news: I, uh... don't know what to write yet.
Uh... thanks? Honestly, I need something to snap me out of my depression run.
Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, awesome possum!
Admiral Snuggles appreciates your support
Thanks for the f ave
It's just a piece of art from Equestria-Prevails on deviantart. I love his work.