Rest In Peace · 8:18pm Sep 2nd, 2013
Hello. This is Flea Candy. I figured out Posey's password to this account through emails that she sent me.
I am the bearer of bad news. Earlier today, Posey died from complications stemming from a suicide attempt late last night.
I don't know the details, as her parents have not released them to me, but I know that she was active on this site and had many friends here.
Thank you for your time.
- Flea Candy
I know I never knew you, but I feel guilty knowing there was a life lost that I could’ve prevented. I’ll keep you close to my heart always.
I never knew you, but I hope you found your way home Posey.
I knew you, but I wish it had been more closely.
May your name never be forgotten, Posey.
I hope you know well how much we love and miss you.
ditto rip in piece posey, smooze misses you
That is all. Equestria is ours.