A New Dawn · 1:09am Nov 11th, 2019
Sorry for the delay on this. I wanted to go up with the final update, but changed my mind on what I wanted to say.
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Sorry for the delay on this. I wanted to go up with the final update, but changed my mind on what I wanted to say.
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Hope you are doing well.
Yes, the ending has been planned out for some time now. I'm definitely in the latter end of the story now, but that's all I'll say. As far as what comes after, I don't really know. I've had other ideas along the way, but pursuing them is another matter entirely.
do you have any idea for how the story you're writing will end? Is there an ending in sight? If so, what more do you want to write?
Wanted to give you kudos here on TNA and it's follow up! These are some fantastic reads!
Hehe, yeah, I didn't bother to port over most of those old Writer's Group fics. I miiiight have even forgotten this one existed until you brought it back up. >.>
Anyway, thanks for reviewing it and sorry for unintentionally misleading you. <.<