• Member Since 18th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Hi my name is Sparknanator, I went on a writing break for what I think was a few good years at this point but now I am back and ready to write!

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Comments ( 127 )
  • Viewing 123 - 127 of 127

Hello. Where is that story I read back in 2012, titled "Dreams Do Come True", about Celestia raising a foal?

I'm sorry but uhh what

hello kickass2222yourmom

Well friend I know this comment is a few years old but boy do I got a surprise for you! I just finished writing a new chapter and I am in the works with an editor to hopefully get it posted in the next few days

please finish A Little Smarty Problem :raritycry:

  • Viewing 123 - 127 of 127
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