All-OC Stories 2,272 members · 2,927 stories

Elsewhere Fics: the FIMfiction group
(Group #42)

As much as we love canon characters and background ponies, sometimes it can be fun to make our characters and write about them instead -- maybe nopony else fits into your story, or maybe you just have really cool ideas for original ponies (or non-ponies). Maybe you just want to use Equestria as a setting and do your own thing, or maybe your story is one of those that manages to be pony without canon characters or Equestria. So many possibilities!

This place is for stories in which most of the important characters are OCs. Canon cast and background ponies in cameos or minor roles are okay, but there should be more OCs than canon characters, and canon cast members should not be main characters. See this thread if you are uncertain about whether or not your fic belongs.

This group is not for stories about the mane six plus one OC. If you have a mane six tag, chances are your fic doesn't belong here.

Comments ( 131 )
  • Viewing 112 - 131 of 131

Yo will someone help me write a oc in equestria story? I got ideas but I can't really flesh out the ideas on a story. I need someone to help me do it,whoever decides to help me gets all the credit for making the story. Cause I can't really write but I can semi world build

EFull Friendship's Magic #1 (The Filly From Mitaly)
There are many mysteries behind the world of Friendship is Magic, all lost in history. Until one pony unlocks it.
Reykatan · 29k words  ·  51  6 · 1.3k views

Hello, it's been a while since I've been active in this site. Long story short I made a blog post about my resume and revamping my only story here from years ago. I'm haft way done on republish it again but first, I needed to gather audience again. Since Facebook pages is no longer post reach free it's been difficult until now.

I don't usually like to do this but I've spent a bit of hours working on this video teaser on youtube before my republish as I made another blog post. Its not much and it should, better keep it vague.

Anyway, this here it is hope you like it.

Hello. I got a comment on my thing telling me to share it with story groups so I thought I'd give this a go. Apologies if I post in an incorrect way, I'm not used to publicly posting my written works.

The story is heavily focused, if not 100% on the relationships between a bunch of OCs I've made and the wacky adventures that they go through set in the world of Equestria since world building isn't my strongest suite. Adventure, Romance, Friendship oh my! I guess you could say that:
Friendship is Weird - Fimfiction

anyway, this group makes me feel more comfortable with all the new characters that I have been adding. Thank you.

I'm not sure if my story belongs here or not but I've been working on a collab story made up of all OC's the Mane 6 are in there but they are pretty much a supporting cast.

So this is it:

TThe Gates of Equestria
The Founders of Equestria don't know this but the bonds of friendship didn't stop the Wendigos. A group of ponies who called themselves Guardians did.
SapphireRose87 · 74k words  ·  18  12 · 997 views

Since I've noticed a depressing lack of OC & Flitter & Cloudchaser fics, I've decided to put my own hat in the ring. It's called A Different Kind Of Treasure, which is about F, CC, and an OC treasure hunting for gold. glory, and fame. All the while, an ominous force from the sister's past works to unite an ancient magic and reawaken evil. Will they succeed in preventing total annihilation? What will they discover about the world and each other along the way? Read along to find out!

TA Different Kind of Treasure
What's the most valuable treasure in the world: Family? Money? Revenge? Love? Depends on who you ask...
Mechawrecker · 62k words  ·  88  4 · 1.4k views

Looks like a really interesting group. I'm in! :pinkiehappy:

Okay, so, like, in the story I would like to post (it only has one chapter so far) The Mane Six are the major players in the first two chapters with a handful of ocs there. Then the rest of the story shifts to the rest of my oc characters. Does it fit here?

Comment posted by Golden Fang Ryu Shenron deleted Oct 28th, 2020

Hi! Nice to see there's a group dedicated to All- OC stories! Those are basically the only kind a write, decided it be nice to join.

Hello everyone! I just joined your group and thought it would be polite to say hi. I hope you are having a wonderful day full of inspiration. :pinkiehappy: Could some of you perhaps help me with a question? See, I used to be a bit of a loner when it comes to writing and only recently decided to find out what the groups on FIMFiction have to offer. So… what usually happens in a group like this? I understand you can add stories to folders that correspond with the kind of story you have made. Can I do that right now or must I ask for permission? Should I announce my stories as well? Do you have any tips and tricks on how to make the most out of this group? I hope you can help me out. Thanks in advance! :twilightsmile:

Lots of love, :heart:


"The Documents of calm shadow" is a bizarre document like story I put on because new here... does anyone wanna review it for I need feed back for it... and to see if it's not original or not...

Hey, don't you think there should be more than just one folder? I'm kinda tired of scrolling through 2,000+ stories to find one that I'd like to read. Please make more folders so that there's less to go through and it's more organised! Please, and thank you. :pinkiehappy:


*Is shot*

:pinkiesick: IT STINKS!!!

( Is this even a promotion? No one knows. )

Canary wakes up in a dank prison cell, far from the sun. A batpony regime had brainwashed her fellow pegasi into believing they couldn't fly. After meeting a changeling guard, Canary finds an escape.
FLIGHT follows the rebellion against the bats, exploring themes of Truth, Depression, Revenge, and Love!
Click here to read the story!
</Shameless Self-Promotion>

Apologies, I added my newest fic here by mistake- opened up all the OC groups I found, but thought there was only one All-OC among them. However, I have no idea how to remove my story from the group, or if I even can.

Zerodoom I read the dragon that would be a pony andi loved it

Hi does anyone want to check out my first story

Hey guys, It would be cool if you guys looked at my first story and give me some feedback on what you think :rainbowdetermined2:

hey i just posted a story about my OC Heavenly Quill and i would appreciate if ya'll would give it a read.

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