The OC Fanfiction Library 1,408 members · 1,814 stories

Welcome to The OC Fanfiction Library! Our group is TEMPORARILY closed while we iron out a few minor details that might take some time. Our banner will be extremely simple for now, seeing as I'm just now picking back up that ancient OC banner project. We'll open it back up as soon as possible, though!!

Note: to post fics you must be at least contributor status. Upon joining it may take anywhere from a few hours to a week for your status to be boosted. I don't know who is the one who does the most boosting but we make sure to not let it pile up.

Comments ( 97 )
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So, I'm new to the group and I'm hoping to submit some of my work in here, but whenever I try to add a story, the system says "action required are not meet. submit to a group" or something like that even though I am adding it to a specific group, that being romance. What do I do?

mostly? People just post their stories here to get them read more, i'm pretty sure... I'd love to change that, get more interaction going, but unsure how

Hello everyone! I just joined your group and thought it would be polite to say hi. I hope you are having a wonderful day full of inspiration. :pinkiehappy: Could some of you perhaps help me with a question? See, I used to be a bit of a loner when it comes to writing and only recently decided to find out what the groups on FIMFiction have to offer. So… what usually happens in a group like this? I understand you can add stories to folders that correspond with the kind of story you have made. Can I do that right now or must I ask for permission? Should I announce my stories as well? Do you have any tips and tricks on how to make the most out of this group? I hope you can help me out. Thanks in advance! :twilightsmile:

Lots of love, :heart:


Maybe i'm a member of a silent minority that says that in 10 years of this show existing, most of the interesting stories that can be told with the same 20 characters and 20 locations have already been told.

I like to be more creative anyway. I typically like writing gritty, epic adventures that don't really fit with the whimsical, friendship-y nature of the show. And so, OCs it is.

Sorry, how do I submit stories here?

(My OC Fanfic is my user blog. Check it out if you're interested.)

I have a story that stars an OC as the main character. He can transform into a dragon. This story is part of a series, so yeah... I also need some advice for future chapters, and some help.

Here it is: Samneo - The Earth Pony

My story has an OC protagonist. Feel free to read it if you wish.

I have a story that I'm writing, a series actually.
You can read the first installment if you click my profile, but you don't have to unless you want to.
I hope you enjoy my tales if you do.

Count me in! I have a story that defenitely has an OC in it:scootangel:! It's about a young Pegasus mare that's born into an ancient and powerful clan trying with the few ponies willing to accept her. All the while she tries to find out what she's meant to do in her young long spanned life. (and no I'm not a contributor. Please tell me what I need to do to be one.:pinkiesad2:)
Also, somepony tell me what the WIP means? Please?:applejackconfused:

So how do I get named a contributor?

Hey guys! Would anyone be interested in checking out my work-in-progress military saga? I'm looking for constructive criticism as well, and I'd love to maybe attract a couple new readers who might like what I've got to offer. As a bit of a note, they are Lunar Republic stories, but they do not center around a war with the "Solar Empire" and Celestia. Rather, they are sort of more like slice-of-lifeish tales. Here are the two stories so far:

Flight tells the story of the pegasus rebellion against an oppressive batpony regime that taught them they couldn't fly. It's an allegory with many sub-surface themes, like true empathy and how to combat depression. I hope you enjoy reading it! :pinkiehappy:

Is this group still inactive or did something happened that permanently shut them down like the Equestrian Critics Society?

So, could someone possibly add my story, The Midnight Symphony to the Slice of Life and/or Main folders?

My OC story is out! Need feedback so I can finish it....

Here's my story, the start of a series I'm planning out. Of the few who have read it, it has been enjoyed! It's about my OC, Shadow Prophet, and how he accidentally causes the end of the Universe. Then he gets dragged across space and time into a mirror of our Universe where everyone is their pony counterpart. Then they get chased around by... well, I don't think I should go deeper into it. If you aren't already interested, you probably won't ever be.
Shadow Prophet

well.. I'm writing a new fic about my OC and a friends and.. I am also adding a canon ship as well but, besides the characters and setting, it really has nothing to do with MLP. would it get in?

I love to write stories focusing on the many OCs that I have made. i'll be more than glad to contribute to this group when it is up and running again. XD

When will I be able to contribute my story to this group? And can any pony give me advice, maybe look over my first chapter. I just started writing:yay:

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