• Member Since 5th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


Insane, Reality-Warping Chaos God? Warring and Reunniting Siisters of the Day and Night? Vague backstories? How was I suppose to resist? My Patreon!

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Unpublished Bakclog and Inprogress Chapters

Ignore this for now.
Hello! I started keeping an updated list on my Fanfiction profile showing all the chapters I currently have partially completed, and ones that are completed and will be uploaded soon. So, I thought I'd do that here, let you guys know how things are going.

NOTE: If it is not marked with (MLP) It is not an MLP story and therefore not here.

ALSO: I only publish one new story after posting 5 updates, and try to post an update(or new story) every weekend


Blank Map of Equestria · 9:25am Jan 6th, 2021

I'm actually a little disappointed with the Internet/this fandom. I made this with Paint 3D using the official map and just using a higher tolerance on the fill in function. This took....twenty, thirty minutes tops? Anyway, here's a blank map of Equestria and the surrounding areas if anyone wants it.

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Report AkumaKami64 · 1,828 views ·
Comments ( 74 )
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I do too, I have honestly been checking your profile for updates every few months or so for a while now, especially that microverse one, it has alot of potential

Comment posted by aalelu deleted Oct 25th, 2023

I'm happy to know you've kept writing, whether it was fanfiction for other series or, even better, original content. However, I am very happy to hear you still love MLP and its characters, even more so if you are planning on continuing writing for it. I'll be sure to keep an eye open for whatever you have in store. Thanks for taking the time to respond.

I plan to. I've finally learned to update stories on a consistent schedule. They just haven't been MLP stories. Will probably add one to my list of monthly updates, i do still love this series and my stories here.

  • Viewing 70 - 74 of 74
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MLP Dragon Size · 7:56pm Oct 30th, 2016

Here's a question, does anyone have a guess how big an adult Dragon is in MLP? If Spike's Greed mode is a good frame of reference, I'd have to guess 80-100 feet sitting on hindlegs, head to toe, and probably closer to 60 feet on all fours. However, I can be bad at guessing size, so anyone else have an opinion?

Report AkumaKami64 · 945 views ·

MLP Dragon Size · 7:56pm Oct 30th, 2016

Here's a question, does anyone have a guess how big an adult Dragon is in MLP? If Spike's Greed mode is a good frame of reference, I'd have to guess 80-100 feet sitting on hindlegs, head to toe, and probably closer to 60 feet on all fours. However, I can be bad at guessing size, so anyone else have an opinion?

Report AkumaKami64 · 945 views ·