Multimedia I'm familiar enough with for crossovers · 4:03pm Oct 2nd, 2020
If anyone wants to request a crossover story from me, please read this list over first. I won't do any crossovers with series outside this list.
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Jak & Daxter
Dragon Ball Z/Super
Thank you for adding 'Zinnias" to your favorites! I really appreciate it!
Thanks for the favorite.
Hey there.
This may not mean anything to you anymore, but you read my story several years ago and I finally wrote a new chapter to it.
I don't really know what to say besides my sincerest apologies for letting it linger for so long.
Hey, thanks for favouriting The Worst of All Possible Worlds! I really appreciate it!
Thank you for favouriting 'Lessons From Ponyville Elementary.