• Member Since 9th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I am a brony and have been a fan of mlp for 3 years now


Proof readers needed · 9:17am Dec 5th, 2023

As the title says I am writing my first story but i think i put way too much into the prolog . so i am looking for proof reader . I can try to pay you but can not promise anything . if you can please dm me to help me right away.

Report Dakingace · 68 views ·
Comments ( 868 )
  • Viewing 864 - 868 of 868

Thanks for adding The Perfectiest Plan to your favorites. I hope you enjoyed your time with the sugar overload.

Thanks for the fav!

Thank you for your interest in my story, Ladybugs Awake!

Always love seeing you're still active :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fave on Iteration and Nothing Pursuit! Glad you enjoyed them^^

  • Viewing 864 - 868 of 868
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