• Member Since 11th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen April 28th


Dyslexic Engineer & writer of poetry / short stories

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Still no stories · 5:32pm Sep 1st, 2021

Citalopram changed something. Some stuff for the better, but not writing?
I’m doing lots of things pony and still loving the fandom :)
Super excited for G5 :D
‘Art’ is still happening here in Idrania.
Hugs and bro hoofs,

Report teamidris · 150 views ·
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To be honest, we have to blame Scribbler and her dramatic reading for that. The downside is that one should never forget to go to the website after listening to her reading and leaving a like for the actual author, too.

Like... I almost did :twilightblush:

Oh boy, Twilights Ghost did so well that I got confused who I had thanked for favourites and watches and stuff :o)

Thanks for the follow, I really appreciate it!:twilightsmile:

Thankyou Inucroft1 :)

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