• Member Since 26th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Occasional FimFic contributor. Also short reviews on request. Blog for silliness, music, writing. STATUS 2024.07.21. der Spürsinn (the instinct)


New Review/rec! By Present perfect · 2:42pm Yesterday

Well, this was a pleasant surprise :pinkiehappy: thanks for reviewing meh fic Present Perfect!

Delivering on Sweetness & Beyond by abrony-mouse
Genre: G3 Crossover/Comedy
Derpy's first interdimensional package delivery goes somewhat awry.

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Latest Stories


Have a look at my deep dive review series which drills into artist's work that I already have a few reviews of, and which talks in more detail about all aspects of the writing process, as well as interviews the author.

#1 Loganberry 'the Wordsmith'; #2 Semillon 'the Chef' [M]

Check out my light-hearted, short review/recommendation series! Positives only (negatives shared by PM). If you want a review, just ask! My reviewer details, including tag preferences and my approach to reviewing, are below.

#1 Winston; #2 Ulcuran; #3 Loganberry; #4 Loganberry; #5 Loganberry; #6 AltruistArtist; #7 Petrichord [NSFW]; #8 Semillon; #9 Recon777; #10 Quoterific #11 Sockpuppet #12 Gavier; #13 Admiral Producer #14 Semillon [NSFW] #15 Semillon [NSFW] #16 FanOfMostEverything w/ multiple #17 AshleysPonyStable #18 Botched Lobotomy #19 DwarvishPony #20 TheDriderPony #21 DwarvishPony

Reviews that aren't recommendations, but were close and with editing could be recommended in future.

#1 Gavier #2 ales_ponies; #3 Alzrius; #4 Crownofdissonance #5 Penaka #6 HapHazred

Also see my review group: 2024 reviews here.


DEEP-DIVE REVIEW! 'Soft and Pink' [M] by semillon 'the Chef' (>1K Word Deep-Dives and Author Recommendations #2) · 7:49am May 28th

[Adult story embed hidden]

Welcome to my second deep dive recommendation, where I drill into what makes 'Soft and Pink' a great fic and go on to explain why Semillon is an author who is so amazing that you should not just read that fic, but consider going on to read everything by them!

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Review requests

Have a story for me? Great!

I will skim-read short fics initially and give a smol review on that. I might then return for a much more in-depth read and review later. I will read/review long fics if I trust the author, normally after reading shorter fics by them, or by reading a chapter of a longer story which can stand on its own four hooves.

Why skim read?

Skim reading is fast-reading. I won't pause to work out what's going on (much) and I won't re-read complex sentences. This lets me a) read/review extremely fast and b) give you a review based on the basic 'feel' for the story that is coming across, which most readers will have - rather than get my idiosyncratic take. It also lets you take my review in a fairly light-hearted spirit, hopefully.


Alternate Universe *
Crossover *
Science Fiction
Second Person
Slice of life

*Depends on the AU/cross-over series. I have a list here.

Themes/Chars/Series I love/hate:

Other pony gens (all of them, even G2 and Ponylife)
Angels / Devils
Good / Evil

None of these are absolute, though, so if you are thinking of recommending a fic or asking for a review in one of the categories, please still do, but with an explanation of how the genre could still work for me.

General FAQ
Can I recommend others' work for review? Yes.


Writing thoughts (to separate from the general thoughts blog) [NSFW material will be referenced occasionally, but will be blacked out] · 1:22pm May 6th

Writing mistakes

Hall of shame: dumb errors by me

These errors are late-stage errors which I left in my fic after multiple reads. It happens to us all :(

Ocean Mist trots back onto the quiet landing.

She idly looks at a wall-cupboard. Even though she knew it couldn’t be in there, she opens the door anyway. She wrinkles her nose at the musty smell from a stack of used dusters.

Under these is a stepladder which she looks at curiously.

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Comments ( 111 )
  • Viewing 107 - 111 of 111

I am doing good how about you and what are you doing right now?

heh, I don't know many people on here all that well who are writing stuff. I know https://www.fimfiction.net/user/103871/Thunder--Dash does some thrilling things, but am not sure whether he'd want to co-author. There are some writing groups where authors can be contacted - that might be a decent place to try?

hey :3 was away. How are things?

Hi can you help me find a third co author to help me and my friend with our fanfic please and this is our fanfic. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/529125/pony-rangers

  • Viewing 107 - 111 of 111
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