Pinkie Pie, being Pinkie Pie, inadvertedly opens up a portal to a forgotten realm. The locals threaten with insanity, but quickly find out they're not dealing with any ordinary mare. An eldritch comedy for cosmic readers.
When Pinkie woke up, Gummy was gone. He'd been acting so strange lately- Heck, everybody had been acting strange... And now he's just disappeared without a trace-While searching for her pet, Pinkie may find a truth she didn't want to f
Gummy is such an amazing pet! The best pet in the world actually! Yet Mr. and Mrs. Cake, and even my friends are acting like big worrywarts. I don't know why they're being such party poopers all of a sudden!
When Pinkie woke up, Gummy was gone. He'd been acting so strange lately- Heck, everybody had been acting strange... And now he's just disappeared without a trace-While searching for her pet, Pinkie may find a truth she didn't want to f