• Member Since 5th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 11th, 2023

Cloud Wander

Be kind. For everyone you meet, life is a hard battle.


Shadow Day, Revisited; The Boneyard, Expanded · 12:47am Sep 3rd, 2014

I've been stuck on "Shadow Day" for quite awhile, to the point where the rest of my writing has stopped. For this reason, I have reluctantly revoked the story until I can develop a good resolution for it.

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Report Cloud Wander · 939 views · Story: The Boneyard ·

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Comments ( 32 )
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Be kind. For everyone you meet, life is a hard battle.

That's a really moving quote and I'm going to save it.


Happy to hear that. I always enjoyed your stories with Pinkie in it.

Trying to. I've been dealing with some personal issues and want to get back to that. I had realized that the story was drifting all over the place and wasn't moving towards an ending, so I thought to take a break from it until I figured out where I wanted to go. I've got an idea for it now. Thank you for asking! That's very encouraging to me.

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