• Member Since 5th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen January 11th

Cloud Wander

Be kind. For everyone you meet, life is a hard battle.


Under assault by the plunderseeds, the Tree of Harmony remembers the first morning of the world, and her delight in discovering life, laughter, love and serenity.

Chapters (1)

Pathfinder has a gift and a curse. He can, at times, fly between worlds. The first world he discovered was filled with love. The second world was filled with poison. In all of Equestria, in all of the Realm Undying, is there no safe place for him?

Cover art by AnanduKune, with permission.

Chapters (3)

Blythe Hyacinth Pie, Blinks to her family, makes her annual pilgrimage to Tartarus to see her grandparents and hopes for their redemption.

Chapters (1)

The Ponyville Playhouse presents a bold and inspiring new interpretation of the immortal classic, Hearth's Warming Eve. Music! Adventure! Intrigue! And a few surprises!

During the pause between Seasons Three and Four, let's remember where we began and how much our friends have grown.

Chapters (6)

As a big storm approaches Ponyville, Pumpkin and Pound Cake steal through the cellar of Sugar Cube Corner, on a mission to claim the cookies and milk promised them by the Ancient Ones.

Chapters (1)

Pumpkin and Pound Cake are approaching their first birthday! Pumpkin meets with her Conference of Toys to plan a surprise party for her brother (challenging, since they're twins).

Chapters (1)

The three teamster ponies, Josh, Bill and Blue, journey to the Pie family rock farm to look after the place while the family is away. But, by accident, they disturb the ancient spirits that dwell within the land and are soon besieged by all the terrors of prehistoric Equestria!

Chapters (1)

Gummy has heard the primal call of the Ponyville River. He scurries to answer the call, but between Gummy and his goal is a town full of friendly, helpful ponies. How can a tiny alligator find his way across Ponyville and achieve his heart's desire?

Chapters (3)

The world is a strange and wonderful place, particularly if you are a child of Ponyville. Pound and Pumpkin Cake explore their tiny corner of Equestria.

Chapters (3)

The Mayor of Ponyville welcomes a new, glorious day in Ponyville. Her clerk deals with the day-to-day business of the town. After a thousand years, ponies will join together to welcome Luna's night. The celebration, and after. Bring muffins!

Chapters (2)