• Member Since 5th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 11th, 2023

Cloud Wander

Be kind. For everyone you meet, life is a hard battle.


Shadow Day, Revisited; The Boneyard, Expanded · 12:47am Sep 3rd, 2014

I've been stuck on "Shadow Day" for quite awhile, to the point where the rest of my writing has stopped. For this reason, I have reluctantly revoked the story until I can develop a good resolution for it.

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Bad Gateway 1 · 7:06pm Jun 7th, 2014

I'm sorry I've been away for awhile. Personal issues. Let's move on.

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The Fox and Hound · 6:25am Feb 5th, 2014

This evening, I decided to fix up some issues with my story, It Is My Fate To Enter Every Door.

Okay, fine. Pinkie Pie has an older sister. I fudged my story to admit that.*

Per Benman's suggestion, I've rearranged the opening, so that Emma's story comes to the fore.

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ISTJ · 4:19am Jan 25th, 2014

I guess at some point in your working life, you will encounter the Myers-Briggs personality profile. This is a kind of four-by-four Sorting Hat that will reveal which of the sixteen houses you belong to.

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Party Canon · 5:06am Jan 11th, 2014

A confession: as a teenager, I adored The Man from U.N.C.L.E. novels. Do not be surprised if this means nothing to you. You are young and these are stories from another age. The Invisibility Affair! If you had an invisibility cloak, of course you would drape it on a zeppelin! That's just what supervillains do!

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To Say Nothing of the Dog · 6:51pm Jan 5th, 2014

I just realized that I have written more about the Diamond Dogs than the writers of the series.

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The Tree That Blooms In Darkness · 6:02am Dec 28th, 2013

Even before the end of "Princess Twilight, Part Two," I had set myself the challenge of writing a story about the Tree of Harmony, the Tree That Blooms in Darkness. I imagine we will learn more about the Tree as time goes on. Most likely, my poor take on the character will not survive the stories that emerge. Still, I am taken with the idea that she is the oldest thing that is, and that even Celestia kneels

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Our Princess Is In Another Castle · 7:02am Dec 24th, 2013

I guess by now we've all realized that the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters is playing a major role in Season Four. But what that role is baffles me.

Twilight, in the Equestria Girls movie, wondered if Celestia would give Twilight her own empire to rule over. (Spike thought that this would be awesome!) Looking at the map of Equestria, that seemed unlikely. But now, watching the Mane Six working to polish up the old ruin, I'm not so sure.


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The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Ponies · 5:06am Dec 14th, 2013

By Celestia, Luna, Cadance and Twilight! The recently released soundtrack for MLP:FIM is just knocking me on my ass! Daniel Ingram is a treasure!

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An Apology, a Request and a Couple of Notes · 2:06am Dec 4th, 2013

1. I'm sorry I haven't been as active here lately as I had been. I've had health issues come up, but I hope to be over them soon. I'm looking forward to getting back to work on Shadow Day.

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