Guess who's alive? (With a story update!) · 10:36pm Mar 1st, 2015
Would you believe...a new chapter?
H'lo. I'm DJ, which stands for Dawn Jewel, not Disc Jockey. I'm a shy introvert who pretends to be confident a lot. Shhh. I'm pretty good with poetry and songwriting. Talk to me, if you'd like.
Would you believe...a new chapter?
Tell me about your songwriting!
That's odd. This site has been very odd recently.
1069338 Mr. Descendant, it means a lot to me that you wrote it. I tried to leave you a very nice comment when I first saw it, but...I don't think it worked. And I tried lots of lotses of times. I was trying to tell you that I'm really glad you wrote a story about trains and that I love trains and that trains and blues really do go very well together and thank you for writing another story...but I don't think the comment went through, so I don't suppose you'll ever know about it at all.
Hey, Freest. It means a great deal to me that you Faved my story The Railway Ponies: Highball. Thank you for your support.