• Member Since 12th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 30th, 2019


H'lo. I'm DJ, which stands for Dawn Jewel, not Disc Jockey. I'm a shy introvert who pretends to be confident a lot. Shhh. I'm pretty good with poetry and songwriting. Talk to me, if you'd like.


Guess who's alive? (With a story update!) · 10:36pm Mar 1st, 2015

Would you believe...a new chapter?

Report ForeverFreest · 359 views · Story: From the Sea ·

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Comments ( 50 )
  • Viewing 46 - 50 of 50

Tell me about your songwriting!

That's odd. This site has been very odd recently.

1069338 Mr. Descendant, it means a lot to me that you wrote it. I tried to leave you a very nice comment when I first saw it, but...I don't think it worked. And I tried lots of lotses of times. I was trying to tell you that I'm really glad you wrote a story about trains and that I love trains and that trains and blues really do go very well together and thank you for writing another story...but I don't think the comment went through, so I don't suppose you'll ever know about it at all.:pinkiesmile:

Hey, Freest. It means a great deal to me that you Faved my story The Railway Ponies: Highball. Thank you for your support.

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