• Member Since 15th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 5th, 2019

Sir Squidfish

Reader. Editor. Scribbler. Odd.


I don't know where I am. · 12:45am May 25th, 2015

I think I'm real. I was pretty sure. It made sense that I was at the center of my own world, the creator of everything my mind brought forth.

But that's hardly probable, is it...?

I think I'm the product of someone else's imagination.

Somebody, please, help him.

Report Sir Squidfish · 302 views ·

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I don't know where I am. · 12:45am May 25th, 2015

I think I'm real. I was pretty sure. It made sense that I was at the center of my own world, the creator of everything my mind brought forth.

But that's hardly probable, is it...?

I think I'm the product of someone else's imagination.

Somebody, please, help him.

Report Sir Squidfish · 302 views ·

Some People are Just That Awesome

Okay, this spot is reserved for awesome people. Right now, the main one is GlueFactory, author of the spectacular The Road to Ponyville, as well as other great stories. Go check it out.

Comments ( 15 )
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1103087 Oh. :pinkiecrazy: Ahahaha. Got it.


Im just kidding:derpytongue2:

Been doing it to random people who recently joined groups im in

1103072 Sorry! Did I do it wrong? I posted an introduction and everything; was there another form to fill out?

Welcome to Authors helping authors but.... im going to need to see some identification:ajsmug:

  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15
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