It's finally here! · 3:38pm May 3rd, 2013
The Way of Shrek is now open for any and all Brogres! Tell your friends! Tell your family! Tell your followers to come ogre out with Shrek the Ogre!
The Way of Shrek is now open for any and all Brogres! Tell your friends! Tell your family! Tell your followers to come ogre out with Shrek the Ogre!
I don't really know what to say anymore. I've been gone for so long that I don't know what to do anymore. All I know is that, at some point many months ago, I became disinterested in MLP fanfiction. I remember I was without internet for a long time, thus I became used to it not being around. When I finally got my internet back, I realized what a chore it would be to read the hundreds of chapters in both my favorites and read it later lists. Believe it or not, I even promised by self long
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Holy onion layers, what is this? I don't understand what I'm feeling right now.
Good thing I saved this beauty (for no specific reason).

2161732 Nah fam
Shrek is love, Shrek is life!
Sorry, I had to.
Thanks for the follow
1575803 Don't mention it. Besides, you should be thanking yourself for being so shrektacular!
Thank you for the watch, oh all mighty Ogrelord!
1267708 dammit now i'm hungry for pancakes