• Member Since 11th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


A talking rifle. Gameplay programmer and aspiring writer. Writes stories with whimsical humor, stories with looming conspiracies and HiE that pokes fun at his choice of school/study.

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Centralized Depository Thingy

Thought Blogs Main Directory

Story Ideas
Story Ideas Main Directory

Of Sunshine and Laughter: 6/12 - (Writing)
Anthology of Chaos and Harmony: Current Short: On Glittery Wings - (Editing & Rewriting)
Anthology of Chaos and Harmony: Current Short: Feel - (Editing & Rewriting)
The Silver Mark and Glittery Stars: 1/2 - (Writing)
Algebra, Nightmare Moon and Me: 3/10(?) - (Writing)
In Between: 1/3 - (Rewriting)
Evergreen: 1/??? - (Writing)
Twilight Anew: 1/6(?) - (Planning) Coming after Of Sunshine and Laughter.

Revision History
Of Sunshine and Laughter
8th to 11th Feb 2013: Minor dialogue and narrative changes for Chapters 2 - 3. Punctuation clean up for Chapters 1 - 3.


MLP: The Movie, One Week Later · 5:29am Nov 11th, 2017

Long time no blog! :twilightoops:

So, I have been reserving my 100th blog post for something special. However, with my latest two Thoughts blog posts stalled for the past two years, I’m posting something else. So, time for some thoughts on My Little Pony: The Movie!

There are spoilers ahead, so those who still haven’t watched the leaked version or still waiting to watch it on the Big Screen, beware! :twilightsheepish:

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Report M1Garand8 · 588 views · #mlpthemovie

Thoughts: On Names: Design · 12:10am Apr 27th, 2015

Whew! It has been quite a while since the last Thoughts blog. The Ponies on Earth blog is currently going nowhere because I am blocked on the topic and I am still reorganizing my thoughts… for the past one and a half years. Plus, I have all these story ideas swarming my head, snarling all my writings to a crawl. Not to mention my day job robbing most of my free time but I am doing my best to get back to all my writings and publish and update my stories more quickly.

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Report M1Garand8 · 1,256 views · #characters #writing #names
Comments ( 77 )
  • Viewing 73 - 77 of 77

Hey, it's been a while. :3

Hello again!

No problem, keep up the good work! :3

Thanks for favoriting "The Measure of a Dragon". :twilightsmile:

Merry Christmas!

... Should I be worried?

  • Viewing 73 - 77 of 77
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