Now... for some blackjack and hookers (not really, but still) · 9:27am Mar 1st, 2015
Due to recent events that have transpired out of irrelevant matters and the like, I have decided to set up a Proboards Forum for more complicated roleplaying games (board, dice and pretty much tandem story writing but not quite). However, this may come at a cost due to a certain user, whose name I shall not reveal despite my dwindling respect for the fucking bastard, who may or may not be listening in.
1398684 Haven't really gotten back to it. Besides coding and research on game design, I don't really have much for the story.
I'll get back to it when I can though.
Where's that story of yours?
1097972 Okie dokie.
Let me know when you're finished and I'll look it over for you ok.