• Member Since 2nd May, 2012
  • offline last seen June 30th



It Lives · 10:37am April 5th

I went through all my old stories and properly changed the statuses to canceled or hiatus. Well, one is on hiatus. I had so many ideas and never went anywhere with them. I was drunk on power and creativity. I was tempted to delete most of them but they only exist here now, I've gone through a few computers, and I sort of enjoy the snapshot into my past.

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Report LittleAngelStocking · 115 views · Story: A New Nightmare ·

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Comments ( 59 )
  • Viewing 55 - 59 of 59

I know this comment is almost 9 years old now (wtf im so sorry) but I am actively working on rebooting and completing it.

Will you finish “A New Nightmare”? It seems have a good start and I hope it would have a good ending.

Are you planning to update "An Egghead's guide to pick-up-lines" or is it just like "Of Change and Friendship" on hiatus? If it's on hiatus maybe you could change the status. I read that you're stressed, busy and writing different things so I would completely understand if it's status would change to hiatus of even cancelled.

961637 At some point, yes, but for now it's on indefinite hold.

  • Viewing 55 - 59 of 59
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