• Member Since 2nd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen June 18th



Just watched rainbow rocks. · 4:11pm Oct 20th, 2014

I liked the first movie better, but this one's still pretty good.

That daft punk reference made my day, Rarity. XD

Top 5 head-cannon achieved from this show:
1) Magic is capable of being manipulated through devices, thus validating any research into inter-tribal magic use.
2) Friendship is a male alicorn
3) Star-swirl did everything.
4) Lyra x Bonbon happens.
5) Vinyl Scratch drives an Autobot.

Report jack_fraust · 484 views ·
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And now thanks for tracking The Incredibly Torn Mind of a Winning Daughter! If you haven't already done so, I encourage you to rate and comment.

Thanks for the favorite of KOT!

276848 looking forward to reading more on the TCB universe.

Thanks for favoriting Dogs of Winter and Project Thesan! :twilightsmile:

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