• Member Since 19th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 19th, 2022


Crayon Scribbles

Comments ( 111 )
  • Viewing 107 - 111 of 111

Well... Guess there won't be any updates... ever...

I wonder if you'd mind me continuing/borrowing the concept for Melodia Apparatus?

Heh... Guess I'll never know...

Damn I miss lynked. Hopefully someday he will return.

Yeah really. All of the best writers seem to abandon their work before its finished. Seriously i would greatly appreciate it if you finished your stories they are enjoyable.

  • Viewing 107 - 111 of 111
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Hello Again :) · 5:45pm Oct 12th, 2022

To anyone who is still here, first of all, I love you. You're a fucking trooper. If I may be so bold, I'd like to update you on where I've been and what I'm doing now! It's been a while, but Lynk is back baby. First of all, what I'm doing:

My website, Lynk Writes.
My Wattpad.

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Report Lynked · 162 views ·

Pointless Box

I should be working!