• Member Since 31st Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 17th, 2020

Awesome Sauce


Four months of nothing · 9:13pm Jul 6th, 2012

Damn, really it's been four months since I actually did something?

But Awesome Sauce, you promised me fics! Ranging from second-person stories to mindless clop!

I know that but I've been busy! I do other things in my life that take up a lot of time like...eating. Sleep as well, you wouldn't believe how much time that wastes!

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"We got 'oohs', we got 'ahhs'. We got everything a man could need."

Comments ( 124 )
  • Viewing 120 - 124 of 124

Sauceeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy where are youuuuuuuuuu :raritydespair:

knock knock knock

Pardon, do you know the source for your avatar? I'd like to know which artist drew it.

  • Viewing 120 - 124 of 124
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