• Member Since 12th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 27th, 2023


Loves mah ponies. Also offering my services as an editor. Please let me edit your work.


So much wanton death and destruction · 5:35pm Feb 14th, 2016

Another year, another purge. It's rather sad that my last post was basically the same topic. I think I've had to move at least 500 fics down to my Dead Fic section in calibre and pull them from my kindle. Good stuff too. A large number of stories that I've been following, it's just sad that they're sitting there, unfinished and the majority of them left with nary a word from the author (in fact quite a few lost to deleted accounts). Makes me sad.

Report Polaris_Brightstar · 355 views ·
Comments ( 37 )
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I really need to check my profile once in awhile, I read up to I think 22-3 but I never readded it to kindle when I got my paperwhite. Since I tend to go through and download 20-30 stories off here at a time for my fic collection in calibre and toss em onto my kindle, and because I like longer fics (those that are 100k words or more as I have a 500+ wpm reading speed) it can take a bit to get around to stuff if there appear to be long delays, especially if I see a long break since I rely on calibre's internal dating system to choose what goes on the kindle and what doesn't. I also tend to be wary of unfinished stuff simply because so many writers just quit without warning, I think I have over 300 fics in my "Dead" section out of the over 2000 fics I have which is really sad because I'm REALLY damn picky about what I read. If it's not great, it's gone, which is why I have a dead section, with FFDL I just have to do a quick scan to see if they've been picked up again. I've been working my way through my FoE list bit by bit and I'll definitely be adding it back in, especially since you appear close to finishing the story. Like I said, it's a great fic but that break kinda made me lose track of it, but I'm probably one of the few who not only doesn't mind rereading a story, but I actually enjoy doing it. Keep up the good work though.

Thank you for the faves on Influx and Broken Steel

Thanks for dropping a Fav on FoE AP! Do you have a favorite moment for our Ancient Protectors?

Thank you for favoriting The Unity Pact and The Unity Pact: 2 Shaking Foundations. :moustache:

Thanks for the favorite. <3

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