• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 6th, 2022


I write what makes me happy. Hope it makes you happy as well!


Back here, for the last time maybe · 2:50pm Oct 18th, 2020

I didn't even know if this account even existed anymore, but at least I wanted to thank my subscribers, few as they are. If you guys are still around, I love you. Writing was a coping mechanism for me that slowly became a sort of job and it was thanks to you. I loved the show for what it was, despised the finale (sorry guys), but I loved the community for what it was. Once again, thank you for the good times.

Report Damocles23 · 267 views ·

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Thank you for favouriting "'Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!'"! :scootangel:

Gigantic God bless

2339559 Thank you for writing it! It broke my heart :rainbowkiss:

Thank you for adding This Isn't War to your favorites! Feedback is always appreciated!


Thank you for the watch!

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