Anti-Depression Ponies 1,891 members · 2,461 stories

Hello, and welcome to Anti-Depression Ponies! :pinkiehappy:


The world is full of sadness and despair, each and every soul a story of their own of how society and reality left them to the dust, forgotten. FIMfiction is no exception, and is in fact filled with many individuals who loathe their very being and past. Everyday, many readers and authors are left with a void in their hearts, longing for someone to be with them, to understand them, to carry them through their tear-filled road of life.

This group is dedicated to all those suffering from life's hardships and just don't know what to look forward to in life anymore. :applecry: With that in mind, the purpose of this group is to put a smile back on your face (And we'll make sure of it)! :twilightsmile:

What you can do to help yourself!

If life hasn't been fair to you recently, or perhaps even all your life, share! Share with us your woes, your sorrows, let the tears flow, there's nothing wrong with that. Each and everyone of us will be there to make you feel better. Tell us your story, tell us of the very first moment you broke out a smile, tell us of your happiest memory, tell us what makes you you

Watch as group members crowd around you, sharing their own stories and words of encouragement. Watch as the innovative occasionally drop off a heart-warming picture or a spirit-lifting video. Watch as your tears dry-up into a pool of happyness within you. :scootangel:

But remember, this group is only a collection of stepping stones there to help you cross your turbulent river. Only you yourself have the power to cross it. But we're always there to pick you back up should you fall into despair again. :pinkiesad2:

What you can do to help others!

Anyone and everyone from all corners of the internet may join, whether they're feeling depressed or not. If you yourself have had similar experiences to your new but broken friends, feel free to lend a helping hand. Lend words of encouragement, share with them your failures and your will to rise from the ashes. Inspire them, help them, hold them like one of your own. Be the one to place the stepping stones of the past, as we all hold hands and progress further on into the future. We're all in this together. :twilightsmile:

Stories to Read

The stories set here in our folders are chosen to hopefully bring a smile to your face. Whether they be long journeys of self-discovery, a lesson from home to last a lifetime, or even just some fillies being silly, you can look here for stories that will fill you with purpose and energy to strive for a better future.


This is a lenient group, so there won't be that many. But basically:
1. Don't be intentionally rude or insulting.
2. Don't spam the forums with unrelated threads. (Once in a while is okay)
3. Don't make threads proclaiming suicide.
4. Don't negatively reference specific users within the site when creating a [help] or [vent] thread.

If you're doing something wrong, an admin will tell you to stop. So don't feel pressured by things like insta-bans and what not. More info about our banning system can be found here. :twilightsmile:

If at any point you feel dissatisfied with the group, you are welcome to leave a comment in our suggestion thread too! :pinkiehappy:

Group icon source:
Sunset love Pony Twilight, by DeannART

Comments ( 289 )
  • Viewing 270 - 289 of 289

Hello, I just recently got back into the fandom. Hope your doing well and enjoy yourself.

Hello there.

Just joined yesterday night. Lately I felt like I'm not wanted in this site; not sure why, but a good advice would help me, please.

Hey there everypony! I hope I can help you and bring a smile on your face!:scootangel:

Comment posted by Golden Fang Ryu Shenron deleted Jun 13th, 2020
Comment posted by Golden Fang Ryu Shenron deleted March 12th

aggravated depression here or that male version the doc said i have i admit being happy never was easy for me any way i love wisdom like
@ succus pictures

I suffer from serious depression, not just cause' of the show ending, but also because my grandfather passed away last year, and I would like some uplifting words.

Mostly I am seeking to learn about ways or techniques to fight the Anhedonia (inability to feel "fun" and / or "joy" from activities that used to supply those things) of depression. Because I can deal with the lows (sometimes), but am really struggling to adapt to a lack of highs.

I hope so. I'm tired of an all-female cast.

Hi, I just joined
I guess I should talk about the thing that I’m sad about.

I recently joined the Fallout Equestria community over at Amino. I created a OC I was surprisingly happy about and I meet some people that I liked role playing with, it was wonderful.
My OC was a changeling so of course he needed love to survive, the dilemma came when I thought about how they gather love. I had a idea about changeligs needing to collect love through actions of affection like kissing. I’m not sure why I came up with this head canon* but I countinued to follow it.
So yesterday we had a role play session going so this was the first time my OC actually needed the love energy, so he asked one of the other people in the group. When he kissed her the OOC reaction wasn’t great.
To begin with my head cannon is of course not canon so that was a problem and then there was the generally weird thing to I guess try and get OCs intimate by using the inherit need of love by changelings to kinda force people to do so.

I felt bad a left the chat, I said sorry to the one persons who owned the OC my OC kissed. I haven’t been able to go back to the community out of pure shame for what I did, I won’t probably return ever. I have been felling bad about this because this was one of the things that made me happy and I sabotaged this for myself by being weird, I lost my RP friends and I feel to shameful to back and use the OC I was so proud of making.
I sabotaged for myself by trying to use the inherit changeling need to try and make my OC get a love interest I guess. I guess I wanted that because it would just make me fell happier about succeeding in something like being social witch you by now should now that I’m incompetent at.

I lost some of the few friends I had, I lost the possibility of using my best OC and it’s all my fault. I’m sorry for being weird, I’m sorry for bothering you all, I just want to be able to go back without feeling so sad and shameful.

If your from the Fallout Equestria Amino then yes, it’s me, Verio and once again I’m sorry for bothering you all here on FimFiction and back on Amino too. The only person I’m angry at is myself as I’m the only one that did something wrong and everyone both at Amino and FimFiction has the right to be disgusted by how I acted, I’m sorry.

Thank you for letting me talk about this and I know this is almost irrelevant unlike some other stories here. Life hasn’t been unfair to me and I haven’t tried taking my own life, I just selfed sabotaged one of the few things that made me really happy. I’m sorry for bothering you all and sorry for saying this is irrelevant so you all just feel you need to say to me that my feelings are as important as everybody else’s, I’m sorry for trying to make you care about me and sorry for being manipulative. I’m sorry


Is there a straight version of Fallout Equestria without sexism against stallions/men?

Well, today was my eighteenth birthday.
I feel proud that I've survived this long,
After multiple suicide attempts over one month back when I was thirteen turning fourteen. I don't regret trying, if I was in that situation today, I would've done the same. Since then I've been dealing with anxiety, depression and PTSD. Every doctor I met told me it would get better, but it didn't, the medication changed, but my first panic attack was just a bad as the last one I had. I was told the more I had panic attacks the less it would affect me. For me personally, it doesn't get better, you just learn to live with it. You learn to bend your life around it. But if anyone's reading this, I want to say the one time I started being happier was after crying one night thinking about suicide when I was seventeen. That night I cried for hours. A friend of mine helped me, and thankfully we never mentioned it again. After I stopped crying I layed in bed and decided to wing it. Fuck plans. I'm just going to live now. I don't care about tomorrow. And sometimes it doesn't work but when it does, it's great.
Thank you to everyone who ever read anything in this group, anyone who ever replied to my posts, thank you. Know that you helped me. Thank you, from Jack

I have depression.

Ponies don't help.

Well I guess I will toss my hat in the ring so to speak, I am over 30 and single, had some girl trouble out of school since then I rarely smile or laugh or look people in the eyes. Live in a rural area where work is hard to find that pays much over minimum wage, family history of heart disease on both sides, so I left the job for one with insurance and it fell through after two months and they wont take me back at my old job, Now I am having heart pains again off and on and I don't care anymore, I remember when my father had his heart attack He just looked so very very tired, I am starting to understand, It is a weariness of life.

I have positive things in my life, Friends, Church family, Home family. My house and (very old) car are payed for, I live in a beautiful area. I have some ideas for a business that might make a profit possibly, I have a reputation for being a hard worker and honest. Its just really hard to remember these things at times.

Whether I live to be 100 or pass some time this night I would like to salute those who made the original show possible, And the writers on this website who made some of the most amazing (and horrible) stories that reminded me that I can still laugh and cry
and that friendship is truly magic.

Happen to almost every youtuber ever so...

Too right, my friend. Don't worry; there's still a future for me. Who knows, maybe the love of my life is also a fan of MLP? :heart:

Crush? Can't say i'm surprised...Well...Here's an idea. Write some sort of fan fiction about this. A way to express your emotions without any of the awkwardness, ya'know?

Like, a self insert with you as your OC or something.

Um...Wow...You are really open...

Well, just because you don't have one now doesn't mean you won't have one in the future. I've never had girlfriend but I don't let it get to me. Sure, it's sad, but I still wouldn't commit suicide over it.

Besides, they're is a reason Brony-Con exist! :pinkiesmile:

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