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This is human nature · 5:31am Aug 7th, 2016

If want to know where I believe the banal-evil portions of human nature come from, I believe that it starts with this:

Everybody feeds the fat boy.
(both literally, and also metaphorically for other concepts that are not obesity, such as wealth, love, etc...)

Sometimes it is done with good intentions because the kid obviously looks like he loves to eat, so it must be what makes him happy, right?

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Report Faraday · 330 views ·
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Hey, thanks for the follow!

Thanks for the watch, welcome to the Legion!

Thank you for catching my typos. I agree that the only reason to point out such things is because you care, wanting to make the story look polished and pretty. I'll be fixing those as soon as I can.

Thanks for the follow!

Thank you very much for you favorite of Fenced in :twilightsmile: I'm glad you enjoyed it so much :yay:

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