• Member Since 13th Apr, 2015
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Typist Gray

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Horse People Bonus · 1:20am June 30th

One interesting note about my writing style is that I don’t always write everything in order. Sometimes I’ll get an idea, flesh it out a little, and then put it aside while I work on something more immediate. Unfortunately, this has led to things getting lost in the shuffle. For example, while skimming for Sun Dancer’s name, I found the start of a chapter that had been written back in 2016, set when she was still mentoring Thomas. There’s not really a way to work it into a future chapter, so

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Ask again in a couple of months.

I see.
Well,c ould you let me know when they reopen if possible?

Not presently, I'm afraid. I'm behind on Horse People, so I need to focus.

Are coms currently open?

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New Patreon Stuff · 6:19pm Mar 3rd, 2016

While I'm still fumbling around with the site, I have decided to start a new rewards program for my Patreon. For just one dollar a month, you get to see me post chapters early. Keep in mind that many of these will be rough drafts, likely out of order, and I might miss a few posts but will hopefully be able to do so every week. Also the content I post might not necessarily be related to Horse People.

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Report Typist Gray · 500 views · Story: Horse People Go Naked ·