• Member Since 31st Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 7th, 2023


Always gonna love Aj. Im just a silly guy. Hope to be friends with anyone who wants to be mine. if not, that's still fine. Just enjoy your life for yourself K?

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uh, hi there. · 11:30pm Feb 28th, 2021

Well...its been a min. hi everyone...Its a pleasure to see you all again, haha.

the haitus was long, and quite unexpected. I apologize for that. But uh, Ive grown much better and improved in many of my abilties as a writer. So hopefully, i can get back into making stories...anyway, i hope you are all doing well!! and i'll try not to randomly dissappear this time, haha

Report Super57 · 289 views ·


A little bit about me.

A male with interests of making stories here and there. I'm just one of those ones who isn't known for how good or bad he is. Just for how bad my writing is when I don't know it sometimes.

Hopefully critics and hardcore people will give me their full honesty. I can take it. :twilightsmile:

Stuff that I want to talk about.

Will be filled later.

Comments ( 813 )
  • Viewing 804 - 813 of 813

aw thanks, i really appreciate that

Your my friend? Well, I appreciate that. Thanks for the kind comment. i hope your having a good day!

Thanks for the Follow!

2436318 Of course. your welcome bud!

I'm happy you enjoyed my work, extremely so. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

2408822 That's good. I like it when my friends are okay.

  • Viewing 804 - 813 of 813
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