Equestrian Saiyans 674 members · 239 stories

A first ever group entirely devoted toward Dragon ball Z Crossovers with MLP FiM.

You need an my little pony story with fights, emotion, and maybe some pride talk? We got that, You need a story with tons of epic transformations and saiyan tails? We got that, you need a story that has the Dragon balls? We got that too! Everything Dragon Ball related we have for your convenience.

This entire group is here to help you in your every day Ki blasting, super saiyan, dragon ball wishing needs.

A word to all Dragon Ball Writers, don't be afraid to ask us to read your stories and give you constructive criticism. They're plenty of us out there that would be happy to help you improve your own skills.

And please everyone, do remember to read the notes of what story should go in what folder. These notes can be found here, yes right here. CLICK IT!

Group rules and Main Feature Folder info can be found here.

Comments ( 103 )
  • Viewing 84 - 103 of 103

R.I.P Akira Toriyama....

I'm looking for potential help with my story.

Hoping the stories start to pick up. I understand life happens, but it feels like a lot of the Dragon Ball crossovers are dead or something.

Man, we have over 500 members now. We shall slowly get to a thousand! Eventually! At some point at least!

Comment posted by Golden Fang Ryu Shenron deleted Jan 2nd, 2023

Alright! Dragon Ball Z made the Tag List! Slap the tag on your stories and wear it proudly!😎:eeyup:

Happy Holidays everyone! Decided to bring back the old Christmas banner we used beforehand for this December!

I'm currently writing a story on Super Perfect Cell and since I'm writing a DBZ themed story, I felt that it was only natural I joined a DBZ themed group! :)

I just uploaded a story I think would fit well here. 'Crystal Vanguard'

I had not realized I wasn't a member of this folder till just now. I feel silly. And thanks for adding my story to the main folder.

Which one do you think is more interesting:
Transformers vs Godzilla https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jy2NxI4W5us
Justice League vs Avengers https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P8JzVdBMyI0

Thank you for adding The Last Of The Frost Demons to the group, even though the main character isn't a saiyan. I appreciate it very much.

I wish everyone Happy thanks giving! And so does cell!

We're back everyone! Now the group can become active again! Yaaaaaaaaaaay! :yay:


367901 oh I think I love the stories very much:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

367200 Well I hope you like these stories as much as we do

  • Viewing 84 - 103 of 103