• Member Since 15th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


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Bonus Chapter 2: Published.

Bonus Chapter 3: Standby.

New Story: Standby

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Status Update. · 10:11pm Oct 24th, 2021

Hey guys. I'm back. I wish I could say I had good news, though. I wasn't careful with my health, and it caught up to me. I got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. And, I just got released today. I got all my medication, and I'm taking it easy. I'm not going to go back on a promise, though. Being in the hospital made me miss writing. Stay safe and healthy

Report ultrapoknee · 402 views ·
Comments ( 22 )
  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22

Will you do DBS crossover too??

I haven't gone anywhere. Just working on another story at the moment. If you like the Ending Verse. Check it out.

If and when you come back. Definitely move in to super, maybe adapt some of your own ideas too. Thank you for the three dragon ball stories so far. Hopefully you continue. Enjoy your break.

Comment posted by morbiusgreen deleted Feb 15th, 2023

Thanks a ton for the fav!

  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22
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Status Update. · 10:11pm Oct 24th, 2021

Hey guys. I'm back. I wish I could say I had good news, though. I wasn't careful with my health, and it caught up to me. I got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. And, I just got released today. I got all my medication, and I'm taking it easy. I'm not going to go back on a promise, though. Being in the hospital made me miss writing. Stay safe and healthy

Report ultrapoknee · 402 views ·

Status Update. · 10:11pm Oct 24th, 2021

Hey guys. I'm back. I wish I could say I had good news, though. I wasn't careful with my health, and it caught up to me. I got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. And, I just got released today. I got all my medication, and I'm taking it easy. I'm not going to go back on a promise, though. Being in the hospital made me miss writing. Stay safe and healthy

Report ultrapoknee · 402 views ·