• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2022
  • offline last seen 6 minutes ago


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  • 10 weeks
    Possible Cloaked Heart Spinoff

    I've begun to write a spinoff story for A Cloaked Heart, the basic premise being that Jethro comes from an Earth where magic does exist and he is a part of that secret world of mages. I'm debating how to go about it, to be honest. Right now, it's just a draft and I won't be publishing it for a long time, if at all. If I feel like it, I might post a first chapter to my side stories post.

    Anyway, peace.

    3 comments · 243 views
  • 11 weeks
    Possible Rewrite

    I don't normally do this, but I'm considering a soft restart on my Endings and Beginnings story.

    My biggest reason is that I've felt like I've written myself into too big of a corner with that one, and I want to try and simplify it a little bit. Some parts of the story need reworking or to be cut out entirely. If I do decide to do that, I'll post a chapter in the original outlining my original plans for the story as it is now.


    4 comments · 215 views
  • 73 weeks
    Artist Question

    Does anyone know of a good artist who'd be willing to draw scenes from any of my stories and how I might be able to get in touch with them? Just a big curious since I'd love to have some of the scenes from my stories brought to life.

    11 comments · 359 views
  • 80 weeks
    Fevers Suck Pt. 2

    Not sure why I'm getting sick more often this winter, but I caught a second worse fever than the one I had back in November. And even weirder than that, everything I hear now is a half pitch lower than it should be, which is a bit frustrating and scary. I like listening to music while I write, but now I can't.

    This has been a very weird birthday...

    Read More

    5 comments · 392 views
  • 86 weeks
    Fevers suck

    That is all. So expect delays from my stories. Sorry people. :fluttercry:

    5 comments · 236 views

Possible Cloaked Heart Spinoff · 9:48pm May 11th

I've begun to write a spinoff story for A Cloaked Heart, the basic premise being that Jethro comes from an Earth where magic does exist and he is a part of that secret world of mages. I'm debating how to go about it, to be honest. Right now, it's just a draft and I won't be publishing it for a long time, if at all. If I feel like it, I might post a first chapter to my side stories post.

Anyway, peace.

Report morbiusgreen · 243 views · Story: A Cloaked Heart ·
Comments ( 94 )
  • Viewing 90 - 94 of 94

Thanks for the fave. Really appreciate it. :twilightsmile:

I must have been misremembering when reading a cloaked heart then

AJ an alicorn? I didn't do that.

It’s been a while since I read that chapter but why did you make AJ an anthro? Alicorn? Both? Not that im complaining but im just curious

Bro's only been on FimFiction for 2 years and has been putting out banger story after banger story. Love reading your work!

  • Viewing 90 - 94 of 94
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