• Member Since 29th Apr, 2021
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"Why Do We Fall? So We Can Learn to Pick Ourselves Back Up," -Alfred Pennyworth

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  • 5 weeks

    Just wanted to bring attention to something, I've updated my FA to include all the stories that I've written as trades or commissions and I've put them in the scraps section of my page. So if you're interested in what I've been writing that I haven't uploaded onto my FimFiction page, please feel free to go take a look. The link is below:


    2 comments · 182 views
  • 11 weeks
    Check out my mini stories on FA

    Hey everyone what up?

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    3 comments · 149 views
  • 42 weeks
    Titanverse: Scrapped concepts, deleted scenes, and more!

    Now that the Titanverse trilogy has come to an end, I thought now would be a good time to make a blog that details some of the parts of the story that didn't make it into the final product. As well as stuff that may be seen in the new story Mega Macintosh: Life of a Titan.

    1) Big Business

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    4 comments · 258 views
  • 58 weeks
    June 2023 Update

    Hey everyone I realize it's been quite a bit since my last update for pretty much everything, so I wanna try and bring everyone into the look on what's been going on.

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    2 comments · 277 views
  • 82 weeks
    2023 Update and Plans for the New Year

    Hello everyone how's it going? Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

    With the new year around the corner I feel like it's time to give an update on future stories and continuations of ongoing stories and what the schedule is going to be. Also I'm ending the poll from the previous blog. The winner was the pony parody of Jack and the beanstalk with a score of 5, second was Celestia and Luna's tiny tournament with 3 votes, and Queen Chrysalis's giant day off came in third with 2 votes.

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    4 comments · 347 views

STORY UPDATE · 12:24am June 20th

Just wanted to bring attention to something, I've updated my FA to include all the stories that I've written as trades or commissions and I've put them in the scraps section of my page. So if you're interested in what I've been writing that I haven't uploaded onto my FimFiction page, please feel free to go take a look. The link is below:


Report BottleH2O · 182 views ·
Comments ( 43 )
  • Viewing 39 - 43 of 43

Happy new year BottleH20

I see, I also finished his second story as well as Tsitra's story. I don't know when Vanilla will put up the second story but I'm going to upload Tsitra's story here after I finish the last chapter of Colossal Chrysalis

I'm aware of this, but I haven't had a chance to properly peruse it.

I gotcha. Oh btw Vanilla posted the trade story on his DA account

  • Viewing 39 - 43 of 43
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