• Member Since 12th Jul, 2019
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Born with autism. Making friends and always supported.

Blog Posts

  • 5 weeks
    Truth about myself 3

    The most important thing about myself is that it doesn’t matter if I have autism. I still do a great job at work and have great friends like you. We should all be kind to ourselves and help others who have problems with their own because that’s what friendship is all about. People should help and support each other, not turn their backs on each other and make them feel bad.

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  • 5 weeks
    Truth about myself 2

    Another thing about myself is that I enjoy reading Scootaloo stories. The part about being bullied and making fun of her wings made me feel very sad, but reading about her training and doing some wing exercises lifted my spirits. The next thing I knew, she flew with her big sis and idol, Rainbow Dash. It was perfect for her, and I hope to read more about her full-time adventures and lifelong dreams of becoming a Wonderbolt, too.

    A message to all you Scootaloo fans out there,

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  • 5 weeks
    Truth about myself

    My name is Wicki Phetiam.

    I'm 30 years old, female, born in Massachusetts, and was born with autism; I was not normal like you guys were. I was anti-social, never made friends, and never learned to talk. But when I first met you guys, you helped me with my problems, and your stories lifted my spirits, made the dark clouds in my mind disappear, and brought me back into the light.

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Truth about myself 3 · 9:00pm June 15th

The most important thing about myself is that it doesn’t matter if I have autism. I still do a great job at work and have great friends like you. We should all be kind to ourselves and help others who have problems with their own because that’s what friendship is all about. People should help and support each other, not turn their backs on each other and make them feel bad.

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Comments ( 82 )
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Comment posted by Phetiamwantip deleted June 15th
Comment posted by Artist deleted June 15th
Comment posted by Phetiamwantip deleted June 15th
Comment posted by Artist deleted June 15th
Comment posted by Phetiamwantip deleted June 15th
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