
Should Humble Prince Have a Fan Video? · 9:48pm April 1st

Hello Lighting Ace here, asking a simple question for all my fans that have enjoyed Humble Prince so far.

For a while now I have been considering, looking for content creators that may be open to accept a commissions. I have one idea in particular that I would love to have an animation and/ or song but I can be open to suggestions on this humble tale for Blueblood, if the opportunity were to present itself

I have this dilemma about if I should or shouldn't bother?

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Report Lighting Ace · 249 views · Story: The Humble Prince · #question #idea #opinion

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Will let you know when I put more chapters

Thank you. Now I'm ready to edit vol 4 of humble prince.

Yeah I like it very much, thanks. hope it was funny how Amon silence Pinkie Pie

So are you impressed of my edit on the ending the king of nothing?

  • Viewing 441 - 445 of 445
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