• Member Since 10th May, 2016
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Military pegasus that enjoys ponies and human x royalty. You have been warned!

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I'm Back! Sort of... · 9:36am Nov 15th, 2021

Hello everyone, I know i've been gone for a while and haven't really updated any of my stories. I think it's been long enough to where I am in the groove again to write. I can't promise anything concrete of when I will update stories, but I will do my best to get back into writing again since I have a little more free time than I did before. With that being said, what stories do you wanna see updated? Feel free to drop a comment below.

Report SociallyAwkwardPegasus · 298 views ·
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Best of luck with getting back to normal.

Everything is going well . Just recently separated from the military so I am adjusting to civilian life again. I mostly lurk on here now and don't really write anymore. Might do it at some point again, but I don't really know for now.

Everything well?

Thanks for the follow :3

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