• Member Since 4th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen January 18th

Blade tormentor

Don't look at this too long you might go blind

Comments ( 214 )
  • Viewing 210 - 214 of 214

Thank you for adding 'The Legend of Broly' to one of your folders.:pinkiehappy:

Sorry if your waiting for Reborn as a dragon I'm doing a crossover in that story and it's going rather slowly

Thank for the fav of MLP New Game Plus Postmortem. Although is similar to A Dream written by totallynotabrony, is will consider this as a humble work.

I hope you had enjoyed my attempt to make something that could at least do some crack.

Oh, there's no need for hurry, I'll wait until you have free time.

I'd have to read the story again to tell you about the character and I'm busy right now but if I had to pick right now I would go with three

  • Viewing 210 - 214 of 214
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