• Member Since 12th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen Aug 20th, 2023


Just your classic 18 year old college student, trying to practice English by reading and writing pony stories. Obviously, huge earth pony fan.

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Update: February 22, 2018 · 4:06am Feb 23rd, 2018

Hello everyone! It's me! Austi-I mean JustAnotherEarthPony!

I'm here bringing a quick update on the status of the next chapter of Arc 2 of Grounder.

To put it simply: It's in the works. At the end of the month my life is gonna get a little hectic, so I'm hoping to get it out before, but I'll post something here in case I can't for some reason.

However, I'll give it my best shot! :rainbowdetermined2:

Until then!


Report JustAnotherEarthPony · 311 views · Story: Grounder ·
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dead page and stories.

I do believe there is something about you very familiar to me . . .

Well, if I had to think of one on the spot, probably either Doctor Whooves or maybe Derpy. Never had an issue with Lyra and Bonbon though, and the flower trio are interesting when writen well.

Bonjour, which Background Character is your favorite?

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