• Member Since 15th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 15 minutes ago


Born in the South and Raised in the Country, finally got to live in the city, but then went to a happy middle ground.

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Too many stories with not a lot of time · 5:00am Nov 8th, 2014

like the title says, i have way to many stories now, i just drowned my self with the freaking galaxy! I have one series in the works "Epic Equestria" and Its is up to 11 freaking stories. I have stumped myself and am trying to "untangle" the plot as if it was a freaking I.E.D. >.<
Then I have another story/Novel, that is completely unrelated to Epic Equestria, and it is already threatening to turning into a series itself!

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Report OBSIDI4N_DR4G0N · 421 views ·
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If I hadn't discovered this place I likely would have never improved in my writing, nor would I have made friends.

ahh yeah, that was the discovery of a lifetime.. goodtimes!

Thanks for reading the Cloudsdale Chronicles.

  • Viewing 212 - 216 of 216
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