New End · 7:28pm Mar 20th, 2016
So we all know I took forever and a half to update Sweetie's Shadow. Believe you me, I wanted to update the story for a long long time, but I couldn't get the chapter how I wanted. Finally, after basically finishing the update, I sort of rushed the last part and it's very noticeable.
After someone pointed it out, I re wrote the final portion of the chapter. If ya'll felt like the ending to chapter 29 wasn't up to par, do give it another read as I've edited it slightly .
Sending you my salutes, my good sir.
Just found your work. Really well done, and I hope you come back to it some day soon. Too many good authors abandoning work on the site.
I hope you come back someday but until then, have a good/great life!
Just reread Sweeties Shadow.
Here’s hopping.... here’s hoping.
I may have only read one of your stories, but I gotta say it’s one of the best sombra fics out there. You’ve got some good writing