• Member Since 18th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Well, this a fan of MLP who has just started to watch the show. And I like what I see!

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Good news everyone! · 5:36am Jul 5th, 2022

Chapter Six is nearly done and should be up by the end of the week. It will not be especially long, but it will be up by Friday night at the very latest!

Report Evilhumour · 240 views · Story: A Moon and World Together ·
Comments ( 249 )
  • Viewing 245 - 249 of 249

My name is Wrex. What's your

loving a moon and world apart. Fine stuff. Its just so good. The world building! The different societys!

Ps. Moon is for the win here. Its just excellent.

  • Viewing 245 - 249 of 249
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