• Member Since 10th May, 2012
  • offline last seen January 3rd

Archmage Ansrit

Blog Posts

  • 364 weeks
    I told myself...

    ... that I wouldn't put this here until I did a major update, but a situation forced my hand.

    I don't currently have a job. I did have one last year, but it was a telephone customer service thing that, long story short, I have no idea why I applied for in the first place. Seriously. On top of that, the utter lack of consistency in schedule and so many other issues piled up and killed me. I've sent my curriculum out, but so far, nothing.

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    0 comments · 752 views
  • 367 weeks
    Saying Good-Bye to 2017

    So. This year is almost doe, and I haven't been very active at all.

    It won't be a New Year's resolution to change that because it's independent of the date to change.

    I'm going to update at least two stories soon and likely a oneshot in January. You can thank neokiva for that, seriously, he's being a great help to me to make the chapter progress past the idea stage, even if he might feel I'm dragging my feet. :twilightblush:

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    0 comments · 445 views
  • 553 weeks
    Not gonna make the deadline...

    I had intended to make a story for this contest, but I'm simply not going to make it. I have some ideas for a couple of the scenes, but I don't have a way to turn them into an actual fic.

    Hence, I'm simply not going to do much...

    Still, I selected the 'Alicorn OC' prompt and a separate OC for the 'OC x major canon character' prompt. Maybe they will show up in a future story or the like.

    0 comments · 593 views
  • 615 weeks
    Of styles.

    I have seen... plenty of fiction, be it official, or fanfiction. I have noted a variety of way to convey a scene, and I'd like to share some of what I've seen and... I don't know, ask opinions, I guess.

    First, let's start with the scene in question. A character throws a tantrum and trashes a room.

    Now, the goal of the writer would be to establish this scene, and there are many ways of doing it.

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  • 633 weeks
    Crossover, yay or nay?

    I have a... let's say diverse collection of videogames, some of which are relatively obscure. One such game is called "Lost Magic" for the DS and... well, an idea popped into my mind, and I'm not sure if I should follow through with it, given the sheer amount of things I already have. However, keeping still makes it harder to move...

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    1 comments · 637 views

Latest Stories


I told myself... · 4:22am Jan 24th, 2018

... that I wouldn't put this here until I did a major update, but a situation forced my hand.

I don't currently have a job. I did have one last year, but it was a telephone customer service thing that, long story short, I have no idea why I applied for in the first place. Seriously. On top of that, the utter lack of consistency in schedule and so many other issues piled up and killed me. I've sent my curriculum out, but so far, nothing.

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Comments ( 125 )
  • Viewing 121 - 125 of 125

may i add your displaced story's to my Displaced Shipping in my group please

group Pure Balance Dragon Council

Thank you for the favorite.

~Devils Advocate

As long as you've not given up on trying you'll be fine eventually. Hopefully sooner rather than later but as long as you keep at it you will gradually improve your situation.

In essence, fine.

The only problem is that it's fine only because it's not bad. I've been checking my blood pressure and the diastolic keeps dropping under 70; while I'm fine the vast majority of the time, it leaves me without much drive to do anything, hence the many chapters that are 40%, 50%, or even 80% done and not progressing. :unsuresweetie:

  • Viewing 121 - 125 of 125
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