• Member Since 6th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 24th, 2019

Snow Fluff

Don't eat me, please... I could story too if anypony wanted...

Blog Posts

  • 427 weeks
    I know I'm horrible!

    I've been busy lately and though I have no real life... I've been considering writing stories I'd actually share. Sure no one would believe me that I've written anything before and no one will ever find real proof of it (thankfully) but if there was enough interest I'd more than consider starting up two stories in a Dungeons & Dragons type of setting.

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Should I story also?

I've read and wrote my fair share of stuff but I've been thinking of tossing my never before shared stories out the window and actually writing for those that like adventure of the dungeons and dragons type. However before I dive into the process I'd really like to know someone wants to see it done first. I don't find it easy to be motivated due to my general awkward shyness but being given a clear go ahead really helps.

I've been thinking about two separate stories that would be similar yet different. If I was so compelled to put them out I'd likely go by a biweekly release of new chapters for each story (to have a week to put a chapter out for one then the other) and I'd use that time to draw inspiration out for both stories so that I don't jam myself into the dirt with one thing at a time.

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Thank you for adding Baby Pictures to your favorites! Feedback is always appreciated!


Can't be nearly as embarrassed as one such as me who is too afraid to even post written stories. Having your "crap" read could also be taken as a compliment that someone has a form of humor that liked it enough to not badmouth or put down.

I feel embarrassed whenever anyone goes through my crap stuff. I put little to no effort into it, and would prefer it stay dead. Oh well, your risk.


I just categorize stuff as I go. Read here and there and stuff random things in the to do list that slowly gets worked on. No offense but I can find about anything amusing so it is all good in my book. Also thanks for more reading ideas lol

I like to mention that putting that fic in your RiL or whatever it is is a terrible idea. The only reason its there is because I refuse to unpublish anything.
Please read something else instead, like "Diary..." or, heck, anything Lord of Dorkness writes. He's a far better author than I.

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