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Molten Phoenix! · 8:52pm Jan 15th, 2021

No, that not what it's called in case you're wondering, thought it was funny.

Anyway, Molten Fox rewrite is being worked on, been pretty dark about it due to it and IRL stuff but letting you know it's in the works.


Report ExoDemonG · 373 views ·
Comments ( 105 )
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I do have an interest in continuing it but life is being a pain.

Hey, so, just a quick and curious question but y'all got any interest in continuing Geyol, The Kirin Sorceress? No pressure or anything, just curious (since it's interesting)

Hmm, that sounds like a good idea. Thanks for the input

Just a suggestion but, if you do want to make the NSFW scenes then you could do what OuijaSilverstar did with his crossover for Devil May Cry and have the NSFW stuff in a seperate fic that we could read if we so choose that way both parties can get what they'd want. Like I said though this is only a suggestion and is up to you if you want to do this format and yes, this will be slightly more work for you but those who want the NSFW stuff will appreciate it along with those who don't want to deal with NSFW will also appreciate it (at least I think so anyways).

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