• Member Since 13th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Dusty Old Qrow

Name's Qrow. They/Them

Other Work


Christmas Time of Year
Fandom: Persona 5
"Akira has to turn himself in to the police tomorrow. But before then, he's going to spend time with his best friend and crush, Ryuji Sakamoto.

First Love, First Forgiveness
Fandom: Persona 5
Sequel to "Christmas Time of Year"
"It's Valentine's Day, and Akira has just been released from prison. It's a happy reunion, but Ryuji wants to talk to him about the night they shared on Christmas Eve.


Sunset's Little Twilight
Fandom: Equestria Girls
Words: 84,141
Status: Complete
"Twilight had planned to visit Sunset Shimmer and her friends over in the other world for a nice, quiet weekend, away from all the worries and problems associated with being a Princess of Equestria. Unfortunately, things rarely go as planned. After an accident cuts her off from Equestria, Twilight finds herself stuck in the human world until the gateway between the two worlds can be fixed. Which wouldn't normally be a problem... If she wasn't still a pony."
Editor's Comments: Funny, and a great read. I can recommend this to pretty much any pony fan out there. It's a blast to edit, too.

Buried Skin Deep
Fandom: Equestria Girls
Status: Incomplete
Words: 2,360
"Sunset Shimmer has been keeping a secret from her friends for a long time: When she was turned back from a she-demon, not all of her power was extinguished. It laid dormant, waiting for a moment to re-emerge and take control once more. For months, Sunset Shimmer has remained strong, holding it at bay and keeping it locked deep within herself.
Yet, no cage or lock is unbreakable and some locks can't be so easily fixed once broken..."
Editor's Comments: A darker story than PoisonClaw's other story, Sunset's Little Twilight, but is sure to be a great ride.

Filly Friends
Fandom: My Little Pony
Status: Complete
Words: 86,520
"I laid awake, staring at reflected light from the window on my ceiling. Tomorrow was going to be important, I knew I should try to sleep, but it was being difficult. On the other side of the upper floor she slept, in that room for the last time. It was never going to happen, but I worried that my breathing, maybe even my heartbeat, would wake her.

I spent the whole time thinking, about our past together, the good times, the fights, everything we said we would do together. I remembered it all, and one by one, let it go. It didn’t matter anymore, none of it. Tomorrow, Vinyl Scratch was going to leave, and I would never see her again."
Editor's comments: I love this story so fucking much. I only edited the last few chapters, but the entire story is fucking fantastic. Please read it.

Things about me.

The name's Dusty Old Qrow, or JD, if you want to be casual. Pronouns are They/Them

I'm just some person who writes stuff. My interests mainly lie in video games and reading. The TV shows that I watch include MLP, Steven Universe, She-Ra, RWBY, and many others.

I'm a shy person but once you get me talking I tend to never shut up. My favorite video game is Xenoblade Chronicles and I could rave on and on about it for days on end.

So yeah. That's me in a nutshell, I guess. If you ever need to talk to someone about anything, feel free to contact me.


Back from the dead · 9:34am Feb 4th, 2022

I live!

So, that hiatus came out of fucking nowhere. There I was, geared up to finally get into the second half of the rewrites, and bam, suddenly I go blank for months. I can't express how sorry I am for that. But I'm back now, and the next chapter of The Soul's Savior is coming soon. I've got a large chunk of it done already!

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Report Dusty Old Qrow · 393 views · Story: The Soul's Savior ·
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Then you better prepare yourself.

I am not a FIRST member, so I haven't watched it.

So, uh, what did you think of Chapter 3 of Volume 6? There sure was a LOT to take in, huh?

Seems you've added "Human After All" to the the "Stories That I Love And You Should Definitely Read Them" bookshelf along with the original and the spin off. Thanks again for the kind words, and I'm glad you like the latest edition too. :pinkiesmile:

  • Viewing 383 - 387 of 387
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