The Changeling of the GuardNot all changelings are fit for life in a hive. But that doesn't mean they're capable of life outside it, either. Join one such changeling as he tries to find his place in Equestria, and what the difference is between survival and vdrake77
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A Dodgy BusinessApplejack returns to Dodge Junction to help save Cherry Hill Ranch. Against her are trolls, a gang of kleptomaniacs, and a dainty but psychotic griffon. On her side is the most accident-prone pony in MLP-Silver-Quill
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Void Trials 2: HorizonShocked by the raid on Equestrias colony on the planet of Horizon, Shetland Sparkle must learn to live with those she lost. But when investigators of the Hyena Empire arrive, it seems that something sinister is happening behind the Obsi
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An isolated island. A grand hotel. The nation's finest innovators. And one VERY dead pegasus. A mystery unfolds, and when an innocent girl is accused, it's up to Turing Test - an adorable robot pony - and a famous detective to solve the case.
A mysterious probe arrives in the skies above Equestria after a 5000-year-journey. Once discovered, a mare's voice tells of a lost colony at the galaxy's edge and begs for rescue before giving these last words: "I am sorry. I hope this was enough."
Stories about monsters disguised as treasure chests were thought to be no more than legends. When Sunburst finds the last one in existence, the Changelings come to him with a demand: to kill it and send the species to extinction.
Octavia feels like she is living in Vinyl Scratch's shadow, a bit part to the DJ's main act. But then the opportunity of a lifetime comes. The only caveat: she'll have to cancel a duet performance with Vinyl on Hearth's Warming Eve.
A series of strange and singular stories picked properly from a proliferation of perplexing and pleasing prompts now audaciously authored into an annotated anthology by a meticulous, methodical man in a high, haughty hat.
A crime wave is gripping the sleepy town of Apple-Morepone. Then "Rainbow" Dash of the City Watch meets a batpony (adopted) named Carrot. The town will never be the same. (An homage to the City Watch of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels!)
Equestria’s newest baron has just discovered that his new barony is entirely underwater, his new castle is a broken-down old riverboat, and his new subjects are… seaponies. Welcome to the Barony of Fen.
Reaping RainbowRainbow Dash comes face to face with Death himself! And he's... surprisingly cordial, actually. But when Rainbow ends up in his debt, there's only one way to get back to the life she knew: take up the role of the Grim Reaper The Hat Man
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The Reality I ChooseBattling Starlight Glimmer, Twilight finds herself in another alternate timeline. Only this time, she finds herself in the Golden Oak Library with the Princess of Friendship: Sunset The Hat Man
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Sticking Points"The stars are GONE!" Twilight declares at an emergency faculty meeting at the School of Friendship. Is an apocalyptic-scale disaster impending... or is this a classic case of Twilighting? Starlight's got a The Hat Man
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The Iron Horse: Murderous MachinationsAn isolated island. A grand hotel. The nation's finest innovators. And one VERY dead pegasus. A mystery unfolds, and when an innocent girl is accused, it's up to Turing Test - an adorable robot pony - and a famous detective to solve the The Hat Man
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3474324 Well, I'd like to think I was always one of the bros.
But okay, I'll do my best to answer for real... I'm a humble high-school English teacher, formerly ESL teacher, who got roped into the show in Season 2 (first episode I saw was "May the Best Pet Win"), but decided to start doing fics on here around the start of Season 5. I'm a big fan of classic, optimistic sci-fi (Star Trek, Asimov, etc.), and made a proper debut with a story called "The Iron Horse: Everything's Better With Robots!" which turned into a big project that put me on the map and helped me meet some really awesome folks here, and I'm still writing even now!
For recommendations, I'd say "The Iron Horse," but it's admittedly a huuuge story for a first outing. For one-shots, I think I'd put "Marble's Horizon" and "Freedom Flourishes" out there as examples of my short-and-sweet style.
But I think my best work on here is my Terry Pratchett homage story, "Reaping Rainbow." I'm very proud of how it came out, and it's at a length that won't scare off most readers.
If you end up reading any of the above, I hope you enjoy them! Thanks so much for your questions!
Well, I'd like to think I was always one of the bros.
But okay, I'll do my best to answer for real...
I'm a humble high-school English teacher, formerly ESL teacher, who got roped into the show in Season 2 (first episode I saw was "May the Best Pet Win"), but decided to start doing fics on here around the start of Season 5. I'm a big fan of classic, optimistic sci-fi (Star Trek, Asimov, etc.), and made a proper debut with a story called "The Iron Horse: Everything's Better With Robots!" which turned into a big project that put me on the map and helped me meet some really awesome folks here, and I'm still writing even now!
For recommendations, I'd say "The Iron Horse," but it's admittedly a huuuge story for a first outing.
For one-shots, I think I'd put "Marble's Horizon" and "Freedom Flourishes" out there as examples of my short-and-sweet style.
But I think my best work on here is my Terry Pratchett homage story, "Reaping Rainbow." I'm very proud of how it came out, and it's at a length that won't scare off most readers.
If you end up reading any of the above, I hope you enjoy them! Thanks so much for your questions!
Who are you, and how did you become one of the bros?
And what should I read first?
Thanks! I hope the rest meet with your approval!
Just wanted to say I like your stories, have only read a few so far.