• Member Since 25th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

The Hat Man

Specialties include comedy, robots, and precision strikes to your feelings.

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Comments ( 160 )
  • Viewing 156 - 160 of 160

Well, I'd like to think I was always one of the bros. :coolphoto:

But okay, I'll do my best to answer for real...
I'm a humble high-school English teacher, formerly ESL teacher, who got roped into the show in Season 2 (first episode I saw was "May the Best Pet Win"), but decided to start doing fics on here around the start of Season 5. I'm a big fan of classic, optimistic sci-fi (Star Trek, Asimov, etc.), and made a proper debut with a story called "The Iron Horse: Everything's Better With Robots!" which turned into a big project that put me on the map and helped me meet some really awesome folks here, and I'm still writing even now!

For recommendations, I'd say "The Iron Horse," but it's admittedly a huuuge story for a first outing. :twilightblush: For one-shots, I think I'd put "Marble's Horizon" and "Freedom Flourishes" out there as examples of my short-and-sweet style.

But I think my best work on here is my Terry Pratchett homage story, "Reaping Rainbow." I'm very proud of how it came out, and it's at a length that won't scare off most readers.

If you end up reading any of the above, I hope you enjoy them! Thanks so much for your questions!

Who are you, and how did you become one of the bros? :duck:
And what should I read first?

Thanks! I hope the rest meet with your approval! :twilightsmile:


Just wanted to say I like your stories, have only read a few so far. :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 156 - 160 of 160
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